Shareholder Information
In this section, investors can find all the information and contact details you need to manage your investment with us. If you don’t find what you need, this section also tells you how to contact us.
1.Calculated as 10% of outperformance against the benchmark, after adjusting for changes in share capital and will be capped at 1.75% of the Company’s average daily NAV over the relevant year.
2. As at the Trust’s Financial Year End (31.12.2023). Ongoing Charges (previously Total Expense Ratios) are published annually to show operational expenses, which include the annual management fee, incurred in the running of the company but excluding financing costs.
Registrations |
Company No. |
03117355 |
YSYR74.99999.SL.826 |
Codes |
BNG2M15 |
GB00BNG2M159 |
You can buy shares in the Trusts through:
- A third party provider - see ‘How to Invest’ on this website, where you will find links to a range of these platforms, many of which allow you to hold the shares within an ISA, Junior ISA, SIPP and/or savings scheme.
- A stockbroker.
- A financial adviser.